Agency: BrandCap
Role: Artwork | Visualising | Retouching | Asset Illustration
CUNA embarked on a unified national advertising campaign to raise awareness of credit unions across America. This was in tandem with a strategic and creative approach programme that encompassed a new brand platform, website and messaging guidelines.
The initial stage I worked on was asset creation. This encompassed logo and symbol artworks and suites, fonts, retouching and compiling an extensive image bank of people and stills, video bank and website assets.
The programme kick-started with digital and social advertising with a large media plan covering social platforms Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Taking the designs through to artwork, I created a large number of the assets such as animated gifs for web and mobile banners, html5 video display adverts and paid video social. These were subsequently uploaded to a management platform.
The next stage was producing the initial digital and static out of home advertising artworks such as billboards and transport wraps, in-branch posters, banners and environmental. These creative assets were then templated and included guidelines to cover a media plan that the local credit unions could personalise and activate state by state.

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